
The ACF – Associação Caminhos de Fátima had two applications for community funding approved, aiming at the economic and territorial enhancement of the Caminhos de Fátima. Here, the data related to the project executed under Norte 2020 and Centro 2020 are presented.

Centro 2020

Promoting Entity:
ACF – Associação Caminhos de Fátima

Agency for the Development of the Castles and Medieval Walls of the Mondego; Municipalities of Águeda, Albergaria-a-Velha, Anadia, Coimbra, Condeixa-a-Nova, Leiria, Mealhada, Ourém, Pombal, and Soure.

Project Name:
Enhancement of the Caminhos de Fátima

Main Objective:
The Economic and Territorial Enhancement project of the Caminhos de Fátima aims to contribute to the development of the territories, promoting their endogenous resources and products, as well as natural and cultural heritage.

Total eligible cost: 2,588,235.30€
European Union Financial Support: FEDER – 2,200,000.00€

Norte 2020

Promoting Entity:
ACF – Associação Caminhos de Fátima

Municipalities of Oliveira de Azeméis, Santa Maria da Feira, São João da Madeira, and Vila Nova de Gaia

Project Name:
Enhancement of the Caminhos de Fátima

Main Objective:
The Economic and Territorial Enhancement project of the Caminhos de Fátima aims to contribute to the development of the territories, promoting their endogenous resources and products, as well as natural and cultural heritage.

Total investment: 987,525.98€
European Union Financial Support: FEDER – 750,000.00€

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